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What is the purpose of the Keyword Ranking Analysis Report? The purpose of our Keyword Ranking Analysis Report is to assess how competitive a market is for a specific keyword. In other words we check how hard it will be for a website to rank in Google for the specific keyword.

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What information is displayed in this report? We analyse the first 30 domains to determine their competitive advantage by looking at available statistic of the domain.

• Domain: The URL of the website ranked in Google for the keyword. • Page Title: The title of the page ranked in Google. Mamiya 75mm Shift Lens Manual on this page.

This is the text located within the title tag. Your main keyword should appear in the title of the page. • Position: The position of the website for the keyword within Google SERPS. • Google PageRank: A number that Google assigns to each web page on the internet to determine how much authority the domain / url has. • Google PageIndexed: The number of pages indexed by Google for the specific domain. • Bing PageIndexed: The number of pages indexed by Bing for the specific domain.

• Keyword in Domain: We check if the keyword is contained in the domain name. This is important for onsite optimization. • Keyword in Url: We check if the keyword is contained in the Url of the page. This is important for onsite optimization.